Ecological Licensing, Mitigation and Enhancement

Obtaining the proper protected species license early on helps prevent project delays at a critical juncture.
The ECOSA team, part of Trinity Consultants Water & Ecology, is located in Hampshire, U.K, and provides protected species licensing services to gain legal consents needed to start works, as well as working with clients to develop detailed mitigation, compensation and enhancement strategies and management plans.

How Else We Can Help

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How We Can Help

Protected Species Licensing

Protected Species License applications are required to obtain permission from statutory authorities (such as Natural England) to undertake otherwise illegal activities in relation to legally protected species, including European Protected Species. Protected species licensing may be required in order to facilitate development proposals, where such illegal activities cannot otherwise be avoided.

ECOSA staff are experienced in applying for European Protected Species Mitigation (EPSM) licenses, and other Protected Species licenses for a range of species including bats, hazel dormouse, great crested newt and badger. ECOSA also has a number of Registered Consultants for bats, authorized to register sites under a Class License, which can streamline the application process.

Habitat and Species Mitigation, Compensation, and Enhancement Strategies and Management Plans

Habitat and Species Mitigation, Compensation and Enhancement Strategies and Management Plans provide detailed designs and programs of work during construction and operational phases of development, in order to protect biodiversity and deliver and maintain biodiversity value in the long term.

Many mitigation measures are subject to seasonal constraints - view or download the ECOSA mitigation timetable, to review the timing constraints for specific species/species groups.

The ECOSA team team also provides on-site services to manage risks to biodiversity and deliver ecological mitigation and enhancement solutions such as:

  • Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)
  • Ecological Contracting
  • Ecological Monitoring

Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)

ECOSA staff can act as an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) at construction sites to to oversee the management of risks to biodiversity associated with the implementation of a project.

We provide supervision of ecologically sensitive works and immediate, informed, and pragmatic advice on how to overcome problems encountered on site, to ensure biodiversity is protected with minimal delays to site work.

Ecological Contracting Work

Our contracting staff provide practical delivery of ecological mitigation, compensation and enhancement solutions on site. This includes installation of exclusion fencing for reptiles and great crested newt, vegetation clearance, and creation of habitats including artificial badger setts, reptile hibernacula and ponds.

Our contracting staff are qualified to operate construction machinery and also have the ecological expertise necessary to undertake such work, which means, unlike non-specialist contractors, no additional ecological supervision is required.

Ecological Monitoring Work

Monitoring work can be required to assess the success of implemented mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures. This may be a requirement of a planning or license condition. ECOSA staff are qualified to undertake such monitoring work and will provide concise monitoring reports, with clear recommendations for remediation works if required.

Partnering with Trinity

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We invite you to contact us with your specific challenges. Let’s see how we can succeed together! Contact us to discuss how we can work together and achieve your goals. 

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